Niche Theory and Speciation Workshop
29-31 August, 2011 - Keszthely (Lake Balaton), Hungary

The workshop will review and integrate theories of formation and maintenance of species diversity. The Darwinian perspective on the origin of species explains phenotypic divergence between populations in terms of their reduced struggle for existence: species can diminish competition by assuming different roles in the economy of nature. In modern terms, Darwinian speciation is necessarily based on niche segregation; in particular, adaptation to different spatial habitats and to different resources offer two complementary ways of reducing competition. Accordingly, the parapatric and sympatric modes of speciation can be seen as different realizations of the same underlying phenomenon. Over the last decade, robust empirical evidence has been accumulating concerning mechanisms for maintaining species coexistence, frequency-dependent selection, ecological divergence, and sympatric speciation. This workshop will cover empirical and theoretical aspects of niche segregation, phenotypic evolution, and genetics of speciation, with the aim of developing connections between ecological and genetic theories of biodiversity.

Organizers: Géza Meszéna, A*ke Bränström, Ulf Dieckmann, Liz Pásztor, András Szilagyi, Gabriella Magyar

1st Day Morning: The phenomenon 1st Day Morning: The phenomenon
1st Day Afternoon: Theoretical connections 1st Day Afternoon: Theoretical connections
2nd Day: Ecological background 2nd Day: Ecological background
3th Day Morning: Population genetics 3th Day Morning: Population genetics
3th Day Afternoon: Macro ecology/evolution 3th Day Afternoon: Macro ecology/evolution
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